
Your Business

With our 90-Day Success Program Workshop


Your Business

With our 90-Day Success Program Workshop

Unlock Your Business’ Potential

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? The 90 Day Success Program is your blueprint for achieving remarkable results in just three months. Designed for both new and growing businesses, this program outlines specific goals and actionable steps to propel your business forward.

Focused. Actionable. Realistic.

This program is not about vague ideas or wishful thinking. We provide you with a clear, measurable roadmap that targets immediate improvements while laying the foundation for long-term success.

Focused. Actionable. Realistic.

This program is not about vague ideas or wishful thinking. We provide you with a clear, measurable roadmap that targets immediate improvements while laying the foundation for long-term success.

What's Included In the Program.

Define Goals

Start by setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals tailored to your business needs.

Identify Target Market

Conduct thorough market research to understand your customers and their needs.

Create a Marketing Plan

Develop strategies to effectively reach and engage your target market.

Develop a Sales Strategy

Focus on key products or services to maximize revenue and craft a robust sales plan.

Build a Team

Identify critical roles and recruit the right talent to support your business growth.

Establish a Budget

Create a realistic budget with projected revenue and expenses, ensuring optimal resource allocation.

Monitor Progress

Implement a system to track progress and measure the

success of your plan.

Reflect and Adjust

Regularly review and adjust your strategy to stay

on course for continued success.

3-Day Workshop Agenda

Day 1: Laying the Foundation

Kick off the workshop by setting specific, measurable goals for your business and understanding your target market. Learn how to conduct market research, identify customer needs, and create effective marketing strategies to engage your audience.

Morning Session: Define Specific Goals

- Intro and Overview of the 90 Day Success Program

- Setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable Goals

- Identifying Key Improvement Areas for Your Business

Afternoon Session: Understand Your Market

- Conducting Market Research: Techniques and Tools

- Identifying Your Target Customers and Their Needs

- Developing Customer Personas

Evening Session: Crafting Your Marketing Plan

- Creating Effective Marketing Strategies

- Engaging with Your Target Market

- Q&A and Group Discussion

Day 2: Building Your Strategy

Focus on developing a robust sales strategy, identifying key products or services, and crafting a compelling sales pitch. Build your team by identifying essential roles and recruiting the right talent. End the day by creating a realistic budget and allocating resources effectively.

Morning Session: Develop a Sales Strategy

- Identifying High-Revenue Products/Services

- Crafting a Compelling Sales Pitch

- Creating a Sales Funnel

Afternoon Session: Team Building

- Identifying Key Roles and Responsibilities

- Recruiting the Right Talent

- Building and Managing an Effective Team

Evening Session: Budgeting for Success

- Creating a Realistic Budget

- Projecting Revenue and Expenses

- Allocating Resources Effectively

- Q&A and Group Discussion

Day 2: Building Your Strategy

Focus on developing a robust sales strategy, identifying key products or services, and crafting a compelling sales pitch. Build your team by identifying essential roles and recruiting the right talent. End the day by creating a realistic budget and allocating resources effectively.

Morning Session: Develop a Sales Strategy

- Identifying High-Revenue Products/Services

- Crafting a Compelling Sales Pitch

- Creating a Sales Funnel

Afternoon Session: Team Building

- Identifying Key Roles and Responsibilities

- Recruiting the Right Talent

- Building and Managing an Effective Team

Evening Session: Budgeting for Success

- Creating a Realistic Budget

- Projecting Revenue and Expenses

- Allocating Resources Effectively

- Q&A and Group Discussion

Day 3: Implementing and Monitoring Your Plan

Learn how to establish a system for tracking progress with key performance indicators and metrics. Reflect on your progress, make necessary adjustments, and ensure your plan remains relevant. Bring everything together with a final discussion on prioritizing actions and setting clear directions for success.

Morning Session: Monitoring Progress

- Establishing a System for Tracking Progress

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Metrics

- Tools for Measuring Results

Afternoon Session: Reflect and Adjust

- Reviewing Progress and Making Adjustments

- Continuous Improvement Strategies

- Case Studies and Success Stories

Evening Session: Bringing It All Together

- Creating a Living Document: Ensuring Your Plan Remains Relevant

- Prioritizing Immediate Actions and Setting Clear Directions

- Final Q&A and Group Discussion

- Workshop Conclusion and Next Steps

90-Day Support Program

Our 90-Day Support Program offers continuous guidance and resources to help you implement and succeed with your 90 Day Success Plan. Over the course of three months, our dedicated team will provide:

Weekly Check-ins: Regular group meetings to review progress, address challenges, and keep you accountable.

Ongoing Material: Fresh content and actionable tasks delivered weekly to keep your plan on track.

Private Group Chat: 24/7 access to a supportive community where you can ask questions and share experiences.

Personalized Feedback: Tailored advice and feedback from our experts to ensure your business goals are met.

With our comprehensive support, you'll have the tools and confidence to drive your business forward and achieve remarkable results.

90-Day Support Program

Our 90-Day Support Program offers continuous guidance and resources to help you implement and succeed with your 90 Day Success Plan. Over the course of three months, our dedicated team will provide:

Weekly Check-ins: Regular group meetings to review progress, address challenges, and keep you accountable.

Ongoing Material: Fresh content and actionable tasks delivered weekly to keep your plan on track.

Private Group Chat: 24/7 access to a supportive community where you can ask questions and share experiences.

Personalized Feedback: Tailored advice and feedback from our experts to ensure your business goals are met.

With our comprehensive support, you'll have the tools and confidence to drive your business forward and achieve remarkable results.

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